Thursday, February 12, 2015

Moving Facebook in a New Direction

Not only is Facebook one of the most popular social media platforms on the World Wide Web today, Facebook is taking new steps to work their way into your every day life.  Users can now load their credit/debit card information into Facebook and pay individuals right through the site.  Not only is this convenient for the company as they are now involving themselves in a totally new area of business, but it is also very convent for Facebook's users.  Individuals using the social media site can now stay on the same site and cut out third party services such as PayPal, as Facebook would take care of the transaction for them.

After doing further research on the changes Facebook is making including the new money privacy agreement, I'm not too sure I would look to add my credit card information into Facebook.  Though this site is a very respectable and reliable social media site, I just can't wrap my mind around adding something that important to a social media site.  I understand that the use of social media sites are becoming a bigger and bigger part of our every day lives, but I think a line needs to be created dealing with some subjects.  As Facebook continues to grow, I believe that many individuals will use Facebook's money transaction service, however I do not think the majority of users will be willing to put their credit card information on Facebook.  I think that this service will be short lived and not be as successful as many believe it will be, as the issue of hacking continues to rise and thousands of people having their identity and card numbers stolen every day.


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