Thursday, February 12, 2015

Shhhhh it's Secret

One of the newest and fastest growing social media apps in todays social media world Secret, is making a lot of noise (haha).  Secret looks like a combination of many different very successful social media sites all piled into one.  With the design and graphics of Instagram, the reliability of Facebook and the secrecy of Yik Yak, Secret has really taken off in 2015.  The idea behind Secret is to be able to share whats on your mind at any given time with a nice picture behind it, and most importantly to remain totally anonymous.  Other users can comment on your post and ask simple questions on your post such as "yes" or "no" questions in order to keep the user anonymous to the social media world.  Individuals can also like posts as they could in mental models of other social media platforms.

Though Yik Yak didn't ever really take off and seemed to be a fab for about a year, I think that Secret has the potential to be successful for a while.  By having the same feature as Yik Yak, yes the aesthetics of other major companies, I believe that users will want to use this site much more.  By doing so, the network affect would carry over and Secret would continue to spread across the world via social networking.  Time will only tell to see if a major social network company such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter can buy out this company or if the app fails completely.   But my best prediction is that this app will succeed and become much more common on many individuals phones within the next few years.



  1. I've heard of this app before. I think it was in a promoted ad on Facebook. I think this app has an interesting idea; people definitely like being anonymous online. I believe this app definitely has the potential to be more widely used, but it first needs a push to really take off.

  2. I think Buzzfeed was using something similar for a little. They called it the Whisper App and they used it to let people share experiences anonymously. It think it would be interesting to see how this platform kicks off and distinguishes itself from the big brothers of social media.

  3. The name of this app sounds familiar and I too believe it was because I saw it one Facebook being advertised. I am not quite sure how popular it has become around here but I have heard it’s name thrown around here and there. Obviously the creators knew how to market to their audience by making it an anonymous app which allows for people to remain secretive. However, I am curious to see how long this lasts because as you said, Yik Yak wasn’t doing too well either. Who knows what will come of it! But I like the idea!

  4. This seems like a great new form of social media. The combining of the best features from other apps really makes this great. I feel as though the secrecy part is going to end up getting this app banned on campus like yikyak because people get rather booty-bothered easily on this campus.
