Thursday, February 5, 2015

Let Your Voice be Heard on Social Media....Literally

Bubbly is a one of a kind social media site that seems to be a mix of Twitter, Instagram and your microphone. Instead of reading posts like you would on every other social media platform, you can now listen to what people are saying.  You can literally hear their thoughts and what they have to say rather then read a post.  Bubbly has already gained over 40 million users over the past few months and has spread from California to China.  Built for both mobile and desktop use, the interface of appears to be very similar to the layout of twitter.  It allows the users the ability to like, comment and share posts of other users that they follow. One of the biggest advertising strategies that Bubbly has developed is the use of recruiting popular celebrities from different countries.  Individuals such as Salman Knahn and Rio Ferdinand are currently using this new social media platform and are constantly updating their profiles for their users. By recruiting popular individuals from other countries then just the United States, Bubbly has the ability to expand much farther and much faster globally.

Though Bubbly shows much promise with this their marketing and web layout, I do not think that this social media site will be able to compete with other competitors.  I think that having to listen out loud to posts will not incline users to leave other sites such as Facebook and Twitter.  The "extra work" of having to plug in head phones or have the individuals around you listen to the posts with you I believe will draw people away from using Bubbly.  Though this a good idea and has a different twist on how we use social media, I think that it may be to different for most individuals. 
Only time will tell however...



  1. Although this is a very cool and new way to imagine social media, I completely agree that it probably won't get big enough for people to leave Twitter and Instagram. I could see it competing with Vine slightly but I don't see it ever having the same success. Comedians and funny actors could be very good endorsers for a social media such as Bubbly, if they ever get to that point in their marketing scheme/social media career.

  2. I completely agree with you that this new form of social media will not become as popular as sites such as Twitter and Facebook. One reason, as you said, is because this requires an extra step, and for us, we don’t like extra steps, we like as easy as possible. Additionally, one thing that makes social media so popular is the fact that people can pour out their emotions without actually saying them. However, in this platform, you have to actually say what you wanna say and everyone is going to hear you and your voice saying it I think this adds an area of vulnerability we aren’t quite ready to allow into social media yet. Again, I think this is a great concept, but I do not see it becoming the next twitter.

  3. This is a pretty interesting idea, but I feel as though it will need some celebrity push to really catch on. In my honest opinion I'd love a way to change everyone's voice to Morgan Freeman's voice. Since you hear everything everyone says, I feel as though arguing on this website is going to be talking over eachother or something like that, at least it gets rid of anger being displayed through caps lock.
