Thursday, February 26, 2015

Budgee the Robot

Are you tired of carrying around your groceries? Is it a struggle to walk around the mall with all kinds of bags? If so, then Budgee is here to help.  This new robot is designed to be by your side and do all these tasks for you.  First introduced on Kickstarter, Budgee is a one of a kind robot to help with carrying your every day things so you don't have to anymore.

Though this project failed on Kickstarter due to its cost, over $1,000 a piece, Budgee is pretty neat and will surely be a lot more popular in the future.  Controlled by your smartphone, you can control nearly every aspect of this robot.  You simply decide various parts of the robot through your smart phone, such as the distance it travels behind you, the eye color and different speeds of traveling.  Budgee can carry up to 50 lbs and travel at a staggering 4 miles per hour.

Though this product failed on Kickstarter, I feel that we will see a rise in this type of technology very soon.  As today's society keeps moving towards producing goods that can complete our every day tasks, I think that Budgee will be located in many stores and households.  In order for this to happen, I feel that the owners of the technology need to lower the cost to produce the product, advertise on social media platforms about what they are doing, and potentially sell this product to a major company such as Microsoft or Sony.  By selling their technology, the newer and larger companies have more of an advantage with more money to put toward further developing it, and advertising it better because of their brand name.


1 comment:

  1. I agree that this technology will see a comeback but I think it will be different from what you imagine. I think this would work well in a rental scheme. Maybe you can pay a couple bucks to rent on on your Christmas shopping spree. This would solve the cost issue as well as make it easy acess. Your thoughts?
