Friday, January 30, 2015

Robots + Youtube = Unbelievable

As many of you know, I'm a HUGE junkie for innovative technology and the research that we are starting to develop with machines.  With this being said, we are now getting very close to creating robots that can pretty much perform everyday human tasks without our help at all.  At the University of Maryland, taking strides towards creating a robot that can act like a human has never been closer.  Funded by DARPA's Mathematics of Sensing, Exploitation and Execution, a team of students and staff have created a robot that can learn some human tasks strictly from watching Youtube videos.

Not only is Youtube one of the largest and most commonly used video sharing sites on the internet, but it now serves for a new purpose.  According to, researches stated that they programmed the robot to watch a few cooking shows on and then tried to test it out.  The robot ran smoothly and completed the asked tasks with zero human interference.  This should be very interesting as they start to program the robot to watch other videos as the team told the media that it is capable of storing everything that it has watched, which leads me to wonder what can it do next? Will it be able to move and perform common gestures such as shaking hands the same way that humans do?  Could this mean that we will be seeing robots used much more often in the future performing jobs in the place of where humans once did?  Only the future can tell, and it should be more then interesting in seeing how far they can take this technology with the help of social media.



  1. I think that this new technology is insanely cool! It's amazing that robots can now learn on their own without any human interaction just by watching Youtube videos. I think that this technology will encourage people to create instructional videos for robots to complete tasks. If the technology catches on, we may see robots taking our order at restaurants in the future.

  2. This is so cool, but yet so weird to think about! Like Joe, I am also interested to see how people (especially companies) decide to utilize this technology. In the past, I think the idea of incorporating robots into a manufacturing or other business was turned down by companies because of the money and human intelligence that would be needed to make these successful. However, if they are able to learn by simply watching videos, this may offer a much easier way for companies to integrate robots into their everyday activities in the workplace. Definitely something to keep an eye on!

  3. Smart technology that can think on its own is the future! If you have time you should watch this: it's a video where a bunch of programmers are programming Mario to learn like a human. I would like to see Microsoft's HoloLens use smart AI.
