Can you imagine a day when your Twitter page could post by itself without you having todo anything? And being able to post what you actually want it to? Well this is about to become a reality within the next 10 years thanks to the use of Artificial Intelligence. No i'm not talking about Aliens, but about Cortex. Developed out of Boston, this software learns the needs and wants of brands and is able to help them make decisions on social media sites. The use of having a strong social media presence is becoming much more important and this is the reason why Cortex was developed.
Through running a series of algorithms, the software is able to learn the tendencies and situations that he brand is exposed to on social media accounts. By doing so Cortex is able to learn and develop strategies that could help the brand function in a more beneficial manner. The biggest point being made by Cortex is that nobody has to be there to run it. The artificial intelligence runs by itself, makes decisions and practically runs the users social media accounts for them. Though this seems mildly terrifying, I believe that this could be a huge step for technology and social media in the world. Being able to not have to hire somebody to run the accounts, and having the best possible knowledge about social media can only be beneficial for companies. With Cortex being able to develop and adapt to changes so quickly, I believe that we could see a serious drop in jobs in this field if this technology continues to grow.
I feel as though if this goes to the public it will lead to a lot of accidental tweets by celebrities and everyone else. Auto-tweeting seems like it would be more useful to businesses than to the public. I don't think as a whole the public is ready for something as big as this.