Friday, March 20, 2015

Pixels Takes on a New Look

We can all remember the days of playing Donkey Kong and Pong and how great the animations used to look to us.  However, as time went on we started to realize that, well, these games were actually pretty awful.  A new movie being released within the next year is all about the pixels that we've come to love and portrays them in a totally new way.  This fictional movie has taken a series of older games and produced something totally and new.

Movie companies are taking to social media to advertise their movies now much more then ever before.  Due to the rise of social media in our every day lives, it isn't surprising that they now do most of their advertising over this platform.  With companies such as FaceBook and LinkedIn lowering their age requirement for using their service, companies are now promoting to this audience as well (via social media).  I believe that this trend in advertising will only rise and become a much bigger factor for companies like Pixar and other movie companies.



  1. I am interested to see how this movie turns out. I am a big fan of classic video games, but I hope it doesn't morph into a typical Adam Sandler movie. I agree that social media will continue to grow as the prime environment for advertising, especially multimedia content. Ironically, the first place I saw a trailer for this movie was on Facebook while it was trending.

  2. Advertising through social media is such a popular trend and growing so fast that I believe it will only get more and more popular and it won't slow down anytime soon. I also saw the trailer for this movie while it was trending on Facebook and I'm with Joe, I really hope this isn't going to be like any of Adam Sandler's recent movies.
